
The first person to put the tyre on the market (as a tyre sale or on a vehicle) is the Producer.

As a Producer you must join Circol ELT and register with the Producer Register limited (PRL) at Under the regulations you must charge the vEMC due on each tyre sold and show it as a separate line item where the sale price of the tyre is shown.

What the Regulations mean for you


  • You must join and report to Circol ELT.
  • You must register and report to the PRL and may avail of the opportunity to opt in to share your data securely and confidentially with Circol ELT.
  • You must charge the vEMC due on each tyre sold, as a separate line item.
  • You must display your Circol ELT membership certificate.
  • A producer is prohibited from placing tyres on the market if you are not registered with PRL.