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Pakman Tyre Champion

The Tyre Champion award is open to all Circol ELT Members. It rewards businesses who along with fulfilling their legal obligations for tyres and tyre waste, also demonstrate a high level of partnership with Circol ELT, together with excellence in managing all waste that arises in the course of doing business.


Pakman Tyre Champion Award

The Tyre Champion Award recognises businesses that can illustrate elements of the following:
• Business engages with the community and promotes sustainable practices e.g. tyre care, etc. resulting in greater fuel efficiency and improved carbon impact.

• Examples of membership of compliance schemes (Circol ELT, PRL, WEEE Ireland, ERP, Repak, etc.), or any other certification/standards such as ISO, Safety (HSA), etc.

• Examples where tyres are designed and manufactured in an environmentally sustainable manner, using materials and processes that minimize its impact on the environment. This includes the use of renewable energy, water conservation measures, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

• Sourcing more durable tyre products meaning fewer tyres are needed over time, which reduces the environmental impact of tyre production, and subsequent tyre waste.

• Supporting local initiatives such as Tidy Towns, sporting facilities, etc. to discover creative ways to deal with waste tyres.

• Any other initiatives not already covered, such as electric vehicles in your fleet, solar panels powering your business or details of sustainable management of waste oils, etc?