Tyre regulation

Waste Management (Tyres and Waste Tyres) Regulations 2017

View regulation HERE

Minister Denis Naughten has introduced new regulations for tyres to underpin the operation of a tyre compliance scheme which came into effect on October 1st 2017. 

The Minister says that the new scheme will ‘reassure consumers that their old tyres will be disposed of responsibly by the retailer when they buy new tyres.  There is a lack of information in relation to the tyre market in Ireland. These regulations will place a reporting obligation on tyre operators to provide data on the numbers of tyres coming on and off the market. This will be the first time that there will be clarity,”  

“A report published by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government found that a significant proportion of waste tyres were not being accounted for (with many being illegally dumped) and a lack of consistent and accurate data on tyres. Capturing data from all tyre operators will be an important step in addressing this,” stated Minister Naughten.

”I fully recognise the concerns expressed to me in relation to enforcement. Tyres are one of the five priority areas as agreed by the National Waste Enforcement Steering Committee (http://www.dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/environment/topics/waste/enforcement/enforcement-structures/Pages/Waste-Enforcement-Regional-Lead-Authorities.aspx) and I have made €9 million available this year in relation to waste enforcement. Now that these regulations are in place I will be asking the EPA and Local Authorities to begin a visible enforcement campaign on tyres”.

Minister Denis Naughten, Minister for Communication, Climate Action and Environment.


How will the compliance scheme operate?

Circol ELT (the approved body) will run the compliance scheme, which all tyre operators are obliged to join.  All operators will report to Circol ELT except for the producers who must also register and report to the Producer Register Limited.

Producer Register 


How is the scheme enforced?


Waste Enforcement Regional Local Authorities (WERLA) have been set up in the Eastern Midlands, Connaught Ulster and Southern divisions to assist the local authorities in their region to enforce the waste regulations. 

They provide a coordinated national approach to compliance with new Regulations including:

  • Awareness
  • Inspections
  • Multi-local authority operations
  • Multi-agency operations


Local authorities are responsible for retail enforcement. Tyres are on the list of priority waste streams for 2019 for all local Authorities.


  • Eastern Midlands
  • Connaught Ulster
  • Southern


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 

The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for enforcement of the Regulations which relates to functions and powers of the Registration Body and the obligations of tyre producers.

Enforcement activities include PRI enforcement, research, provision of guidance and awareness raising. The EPA will work with local authorities and other bodies to increase compliance overall with the Regulations including joining the approved body.

The EPA will rely on intelligence provided by the Registration Body, the Approved Body and others to identify suspected free riding producers. It is critical to the success of the Circol ELT tyre compliance scheme that free rider producers are identified and challenged by the EPA.

Read More - EPA


Circol ELT

Circol ELT commit to follow up on any non compliant operators reported to us with the relevant enforcement authorities. All reports relating to non-compliance are treated in the strictest of confidence.

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